At a blog I follow, I Hate So Much, Maxie mentions something about Lindsay Lohan being a lesbian in a post where she is asking a few random questions:
"How much longer will Lindsay Lohan be a lesbian? I hope for a really long time because I’d totally date her. You should all know by now that my big lesbian crushes are Ellen and Rachel Maddow, but Ellen is married and Rachel is getting too famous so I’ve given up on them. Lindsay–Call me!"No way! I had to see for myself. So I break out the Google machine and search "Lindsay Lohan lesbian" and sure enough, it's true!
Best day of my life, until I realized that she used to be an alcoholic (I shouldn't be talking) and a slut (again, I shouldn't be talking), so her pussy is probably as dirty as the hookers who walk the streets in south Chicago. It's fun to think about though. Mmm, Lindsay Lohan. lol
Come on, Lindsay. What does she have that I don't have? I know, money. But that's nothing compared to what I can do with my tongue : ) Wanna see?
<3 Sarah <3
0 french kisses:.