I'm bringing out the best wine I have, lighting the candles, putting on some of our favorite music, and waiting for her in the lingerie she bought me from Victoria's Secret (photo on the right, except mine is black).
Any minute there will be a knock at my door. Any minute I can unleash the desire I have been building for her all day. She has no idea what is in store for her. I can't wait to find out what's in store for me. I could hear it in her voice. The urgency to see me was evident. It was clear she had been thinking the same things I had been thinking all day long. The one thing that matters the most is that I don't have to spend tonight alone. I can sleep with her in my arms, feel her warm breath on me.
The first thing I'm going to do when I see her is kiss her. Her soft lips have become essential to my survival. I need more. If anyone even reads this, I'll let you know how it went in the morning.
<3 Sarah <3
0 french kisses:.